Sunday, February 17, 2008

Search and Rescue Trailer (Hamster Maze)

Ok, welcome to the tour of the Search and rescue trailer. This trailer is here to help firefighter polish up the search and rescue skills. You might think this is easy as you go though the pictures but just remember that you have full bunker gear on that weigh up to 70 pounds plus you blacked out so you can't see anything. I added this black picture just to remind you that this is what your actually seeing as you go though this search prop. Well here is the entrance to the trailer. The entrance and exit are both located at the rear of the trailer (I forgot to take that picture) So you start by going up the stairs to the 2nd floor of the prop. As You get to the top you turn right go forward about 2 feet take another right, 3 feet forward and then hang a left. OH and just to let you know you do this all on you hands and knees. There is not enough room for you to stand up, not that you would want to anyway.As you turn left you encounter 5-6 rafters to simulate an attic or building still under construction. as soon as you hit that wall infront of you turn left and then anther quick left. After the quick left you run into the wires. This is a lame example of the wires since there all ripped out of the wall. but you can see them on the right wall, and the eye socket screws there supposed to be attached to on the left. As soon and you wiggle though this you turn right.As soon as you hang the right you encounter the ramp the gets pretty narrow and tight. Get up and slide down this. And your in to this large room (well large for the trailer) Head towards the left of the netting and you can see about half of a circle in the picture but your gonna have to feel for it in real life.So you get to the tunnel and you have to sqeeze your way though here. If you can see there is another tunner in the middle, but your gonna want to go forward. When you get out of the first tunnel you have this hole right infront of you, dont take this way, just turn left. And you encounter the next tunnel which is set alittle higher then the last. crawl though this and hit the stairs to the bottom floor (oh joy) When you done butt scooting down there stairs this is what is infront of you. You also have a complete 180 to you at the bottom of the stairs. Were there is another tunnel on the right of the picture, go though there and at the end of the tunnel if you look up that is were the hole is at the end of the very first tunnel you went though turn left and you will hit another tunnel just like up top except this one is designed for you to take off your SCBA (Self Contained Breathing Appartus) off inable to get though. when you though there you are right under the stairs and and right where we are in the picture. So next you have to navigate though one of the prop windows and this is your next view. Search, Search. There is also another window that leads to another room straight ahead of you in this picture (and you gonna wantto search the whole trailer) As you move forward though this room you get into another half room with a baby crib and as you can see its beening occupied by a hose dummy with a jacket on. Move past this room and there is a door on the right, you can some what see the goldish reflection in the top middle of this picture. Head though there and turn left.This is your next and last view there is the door to the exit and on the left you can see the stairs from the begining leading to the top your just right under them this time. Make you way out and hopfully you didn't miss anything, such as a person. -----Erik

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That looks fun! I would love to do that. Do you have a flashlight or no?