Nothing to spectacular this week but I do really like the unicycle. It was certainly differant and the black shows up well on the electric green background. ---Erik
So I did this awhile ago, for a friend that asked me to do this for them, they ended up not needing it so I never really finished it. Just wanted to show you since I found it. ---Erik
Well here I am again, I just got some more picture of the stair climb event and all, and just to let you know my time was 17 minutes flat well 17.008 but whos counting! 17 mins is a very good time for 69 floors of stairs and was pretty proud of my self but next year I won't be so nervous and will train alittle differant also. -----Erik
Well another really slow week on the special grind in's. Its a shame it makes the work week go by alot faster when your doing something fun and differant. -----Erik
Well it started as a little sketch and of course, after I was done I just had to ink it. Thats just me and how I work. I probally won't color it though, I sort of like the simple black and white of it. ----Erik
Well I of course had to send a care package to the little man so, I had some bright idea to decoate it like a box of cheese. Here are the steps of how I made it happen. -----Erik
Well for those you didn't know I was in California last month and stopped by my Mom's class room. So of course I had to give them some home work for Valentines day. The assignment was to draw there heart, ventricals and atriums included and this is what they came up with. I choose 5 for display but they were all great thank you. ----Erik
What more can I say its all there in the picture except I have one foot, but he sold it off to as I was taking a big step so its the bottom of my foot. So my son is working on perspective now WOW, I can dig it. ----Erik
Well since this little man can produce art faster then me I'll give him the next few posts. here is the first. Oh and let me just add that those are the most delicious looking cookies I've ever seen. ----Erik
1......, 2...., 3..............., 8....., 47............, 75... ......yep all there Well this day finally ended about 17 mins of hell and then a whole day of waiting. It was a great challenge and I'm glad I did it. It was alot differant then I thought but well worth it. "More pictures coming soon !!!!" ---Erik
Well a somewhat slow week but these are the 2 that stood out, yes another Boston Redsox logo, and the Pirates of the whatever that movies called logo also this one turned out well, I need to fix the setting on my new camera to take better pictures. I'll work on that. ----Erik